Today we're going to tackle the mystery of getting your EXPECTED expenses under control a little bit better. With anything this is a constant ongoing battle, that takes at least some of your focus a couple times a month. Want to buy a new iPhone, but don't casually have $2,000 laying around? Need new tires on your car, but not sure how to come up with $800 overnight? These are issues I fought with for years and continue to fight to stay on top of. They're not necessarily emergencies, but I feel like I'm loading up the credit cards I just paid down! We're taking a second look at how to take care of that little bit of extra money you have each paycheck. The Envelope System Most people know about this simple system we used as kids to organize our money into things we wanted to do vs things we needed to do, like paying bills or saving up for our starter car. That idea should easily transition into adulthood, but doesn't always translate well. With different emerge